Tag Archives: sugarcane

April 2017 Report

Sugarcane Block Farming

Updates for Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region

Report to the President - April 2017_001ISEDI’s Sugarcane Block Farming Project in Region XI to date has a total of 7.2 hectares with 4 hectares from PARBUF MPC and 3.2 hectares from COBARBEMCO. The areas are intended for the establishment of nurseries and demo farms to be planted with high yielding varieties of cane points.  ISEDI, together with COBARBEMCO, are currently in the process of scouting for the remaining .8 hectare to complete the 8 hectares’ requirement for the implementation of SBF Project in the area.

Soil Analysis of the farm in Davao del Sur was already conducted and the results were the basis for the purchase of farm inputs required. Land preparation for the farm  intended for sugarcane crops was done simultaneously with the soil analysis. All 7.2 hectares of land will undergo land preparation. Currently, 4 hectares have already undergone land preparation and have been planted with high yielding varieties – Phil 99-1793, PSR 2k-11, and PHIL 2k-171.

The area is also in the process of being geotagged to guide DAR and other stakeholders during their monitoring activities in locating the established HYV nurseries and demo farms areas using Google Earth.
