Tag Archives: isfi

April 2017 Report

Sugarcane Block Farming

Updates for Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region

Report to the President - April 2017_001ISEDI’s Sugarcane Block Farming Project in Region XI to date has a total of 7.2 hectares with 4 hectares from PARBUF MPC and 3.2 hectares from COBARBEMCO. The areas are intended for the establishment of nurseries and demo farms to be planted with high yielding varieties of cane points.  ISEDI, together with COBARBEMCO, are currently in the process of scouting for the remaining .8 hectare to complete the 8 hectares’ requirement for the implementation of SBF Project in the area.

Soil Analysis of the farm in Davao del Sur was already conducted and the results were the basis for the purchase of farm inputs required. Land preparation for the farm  intended for sugarcane crops was done simultaneously with the soil analysis. All 7.2 hectares of land will undergo land preparation. Currently, 4 hectares have already undergone land preparation and have been planted with high yielding varieties – Phil 99-1793, PSR 2k-11, and PHIL 2k-171.

The area is also in the process of being geotagged to guide DAR and other stakeholders during their monitoring activities in locating the established HYV nurseries and demo farms areas using Google Earth.


October 2013 Report


3423ISEDI joined the SMSNAI community in celebrating its’ 16th year founding anniversary with fun activities such as dance contest , search for little Ms. SMSNAI 2013 and a contest on “Community Clean up Drive” where residents competed per block in cleaning up their surroundings and decorated them with flowering plants . The contests declared two (2) winners per block and were awarded with prizes in the form of grocery items

This year’s anniversary was participated in by more residents who expressed that they felt more inspired in knowing that they were the ones planning for the activity.

BALIK UMA: A Sustainable Agriculture Production Program and Rainforestation for Food Security & Community Resilience


Some of the challenges posed to the project were the infestation of pangyaw, leaf rollers and black bugs affecting about 45 hectares of corn and rice fields in Sitio Side 4/Bermuda, Compostela and the infestation of monkeys in Sitio Letter V, Monkayo.


June 2013 Report

Balik Uma Campaign: A Sustainable Agriculture

Production Program and Rainforestation for Food Security & Community Resilience This initiative junsupported by Ateneo de Davao University through UCEAC and implemented by BALSA Mindanao , ISEDI and POs in 5 communities is intended to provide alternative means of livelihood to small scale mining communities in typhoon Pablo affected areas in ComVal Province. It is also intended to achieve food security as an immediate concern and ultimately ensure self-sufficiency in food production; improve the farmers’ knowledge, skills and attitude in adopting improved and appropriate agritechnology; and develop resilience from onslaughts by corporate logging and expanding foreign mineral concessions in Davao Oriental and Compostela Valley Province




Report | as of March 15, 2013

mreportMr. Satoshi Yoshinami, an AISEC ( Association for the International Exchange of Students in Economics and Commerce) intern assigned at ISEDI visited two (2) of the assisted enterprises: Apo ni Lola and Elmar’s Porkskin, where he had the chance to observe and interview the entrepreneurs on the services provided by ISEDI.

He also participated in  the Three (3) day Basic Business Skills Training – Batch 2  for JICA  assisted Capacity Building for Bangsamoro Development Agency (BDA)conducted by ISEDI last February 27 to March 01, 2013 at El Bajada, Davao City Hotel.

Six (6) Political Science students did their practicum in ISEDI areas. The students underwent orientation on the nature of work and projects implemented by ISEDI and meetings pertaining to their expected outputs.



Report | June 2012

LINC Initiatives – Linking Instruction and Community Engagement Initiatives

29 Ateneo 4th year Marketing students completed their practicum at ISFI assisted micro-entrepreneurs/enterprises.


City Profiling – Inventory of Informal Settlers

The biggest ever survey conducted by ISFI is the Inventory of Informal Settlers in the City of Davao.  The project covers more or less 20,000 respondents in selected 9 barangays in Davao City.  The study intends: 1)  To account the number of households occupying in danger zone areas; and: 2) Data gathered as input in the preparation for the proposed formulation of City Comprehensive Shelter Plan.  The criteria for selection of the barangays are: 1) Located in a disaster prone area; and: 2) High density.  This project is in partnership  with San Lorenzo Ruiz Socio-Economic Development Foundation, Inc. (SALORSEDFI) and the City Government of Davao.


Report | April 2012

Community Extension

ISFI is host to 29 Ateneo Marketing Students who are undertaking their practicum this summer 2012.  These students had their exposure to the businesses of ISFI’s assisted groups:  JEGNA nata producer, ICOW (Island Garden City of Samal Council of Women), SMSNAI (Smokey Mountain Scavengers and Neighborhood Association, Inc), RER, Apo ni Lola, Baganihan,  BASEAS (Bato Seasweed Farmers Association) and NAGAMA (Nagkahugpong Gagmayng Mananagat sa Tuban).  The students’ assignments were to make in-depth case studies of these People’s Organizations which are engaged in microenterprise and in different levels of organizational maturity. They were to assess and provide recommendation on the areas of improvement of these POs.




November 2011

JICA Awards Assistance for Enhancement of Operation and Maintenance for Strategic Regional Infrastructure Component for ARMM Social Fund for Peace and Development to ISFI-Ateneo de Davao University

The ARMM Social Fund for Peace and Development (ASFPD) is a program that aims to reduce poverty and support mechanisms for the promotion of a peaceful and safe environment . The program focuses on the poor and the conflict-affected poor communities, specifically the women, youth and community groups, improving their capacities and their access to better employment opportunities, higher household incomes and food security. It also provides different social and economic infrastructure and services to its target beneficiaries. Finally, it works for improving local governance and institutional capacities in the ARMM, so that local resources are appropriately allocated and managed.

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April 2011 Report

The project “Enhancement of Food Security in the Visayas Project (EFOS)”, specifically the component 4 – Conventional and Parametric Crop Insurance, has introduced the microinsurance concept to the poor. EFOS chose to pilot the microinsurance awareness promotion in Leyte Island and identified the rice farmers to be the primary audience/participants.

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May 2010 Report

HR Policy Review and Recommendations’ Project Kicks Off

Aptly titled – Policy Review And Recommendations On The Role Of HRMD Office As A Strategic Partner In Institutional Reforms in Local Government Units , this new project of ISFI kicks off this month of May and is commissioned by the Philippines-Australia Human Resource Development Facility.

The Study is meant to assist the Department of Interior and Local Government (DILG) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC) in advancing HR reforms that will create enabling policies and programs to professionalise the HR function. ISFI Study Team composed of Joel Lasam, Rald Lampauog, Bing Sobrevega-Chan, Tita Francisco, Deanna Bandayanon and Joy Cabo will gather HR-related government regulations, policies and considerable evidences to assess the current state of affairs of the HR functions in LGU’s at different levels – municipality, city and province in Luzon, Vizayas and Mindanao.

Madrasah Study Presentation with Ausaid and other Donor Agencies. On June 11, 2010, the Madrasah Study will be presented to about 50 people representing the Donor Community including Ausaid. To be highlighted in the presentation are the findings and lessons learned to wit: Finding 1: Project development and delivery is not just a matter of providing a package of training, financial and material support.

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