June 2016

ISEDI takes on active role in capacitating ARBOs in Davao del Norte and Davao Oriental on CCA-DRR

june2016ISEDI was tapped by DARPO Davao del Norte and Davao Oriental to facilitate in the provision of  CCA-DRR capability building activities to its assisted ARBOs in Davao del Norte and Davao Oriental. ISEDI is expected to deliver the following to DAR and ARBOs: Climate Proofing Strategy Guide, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Practices Guide, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Methods and Approaches.  ISEDI is partnering with CCA-DRR experts to beef up its in-house resource persons to deliver adult-learning CCA-DRR inputs that include: Basic Climate Change Science, Climate Change Scenarios, Responses to Climate Change-Mitigation Adaptation, Understanding the impacts, vulnerability and linkage between Climate Change and Disaster, Impacts of Climate Change, Linkage between CCA and DRR, Methods and Tools: Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation, and Designing a community based adaptation project.

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