Author Archives: Isedi

ISEDI Profile

The Institute for Socio-Economic Development Initiatives (ISEDI) is an outreach arm of the Ateneo de Davao University.  It celebrates its 41st year this year, working with subsistence farmers, fisherfolk, and small-scale entrepreneurs to improve their productivity, sharpen their business acumen, strengthen their organizations and increase their incomes.  ISEDI implements short and medium-term projects funded by the national government agencies, local government units and international development organizations. 

ISEDI maintains a lean core staff and is supported by its on-call development practitioners and consultants and selected university professors.  ISEDI is based at the Jacinto campus of Ateneo de Davao University.  It is given autonomy to pursue development projects that fall within the Ateneo principles (i.e. man for others, responsible environmental stewardship, empowerment of vulnerable groups).  It subscribes to the university’s financial procedures and protocols.  All external projects of ISEDI are approved by the University President. 

ISEDI has completed 125 projects since its inception in 1981, in the areas of research, survey, project and organization assessment, training, project monitoring and evaluation, reforestation, strategic planning and area development, enterprise and livelihood development, and fund management. In the BARMM and Conflict Affected Areas, the Institute for Socio-Economic Development Initiatives has provided a number of interventions that includes training and assessments. Under the project “Capability-Building Training for the Bangsamoro Development Agency”, ISEDI, which was sponsored by Japan International Cooperation Agency, has conducted 9 training courses. There were 178 participants who have gained additional knowledge with regard to proposal writing, basic business skills, operations planning, financial planning, and development planning. Similarly, ISEDI has conducted orientation and training, and monitoring and spot checks in Saranggani, Cotabato, and Compostella Valley for the Project Assessment of PPA 3 under the MTF-RDP – Bangsamoro Development Agency. Part of the tasks were to revisit at least 10 of the interviewed project beneficiaries, to prepare status or final report on the accomplishments, and to assist in the secondary data collection and ensure that the documentation of all interviews were complete and edited before they were submitted. Moreover, ISEDI team also gathered the data needed for the project Madrassah Education in the BARMM: Updating the Profile and Assessing the Impact of Beam Support to the Pilot Madaris. Aside from doing the interview, ISEDI composed the recommendation for the future assistance plans.

August 2017 Report

Farm Support and Extension Services of the Sugarcane Block Farm Project – DAR

Highlights from the Sugarcane Block Farming (SBF) Project Implementation in Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region

The Institute for Socio Economic Development Initiatives is currently implementing the Sugarcane Block Farming (SBF) Project in three regions, Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region (NIR). The project aims to introduce better and cost-efficient sugarcane farming practices, improve farm productivities of block farm enrollees and enhance the skills of ARBOs in agricultural entrepreneurship.

Negros Island Region (NIR)

ISEDI, as the service provider for the SBF in the NIR, has continuously monitored the progress of the techno demo and nursery farms that were established.

In Lot 1, the techno demo farms boast of a 90-97% germination rate (GR). In general, the varieties that were planted are growing at a remarkable pace. However, in Calatrava, Negros Occidental, leaf scortch was observed in some of the plants. Their nurseries, on the other hand, report a 60-90% germination rate. The low GR in Nieves Agro Agrarian Reform Cooperative (NAARC)’s 1.4 hectare nursery is attributed to the rainy weather conditions during planting.

The accomplishments per individual ARBO are as follows:

Codcod Agrarian Reform Community Cooperative (CARCC) completed the drainage canal for their techno demo farm on August 7. For their nursery farms, off-barring, 1st and 2nd fertilization using inorganic fertilizers, side dressing of organic fertilizers (OF), and replanting were also done in August.

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June Report 2017

Sugarcane Block Farming

Updates from the Sugar Block Farming (SBF) Project Implementation i n Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region

The implementation of the SBF Projects in Regions XI, XII, and the Negros Island Region (NIR) is progressing at steady pace with a few minor setbacks in some areas.


Region XI’s SBF implementation for this month mostly revolved in capacitating our farmer beneficiaries. Last June 13-14, 2017, ISEDI-AdDU as the service provider facilitated the conduct of Farm Planning and Budgeting with the targeted Agrarian Reform Beneficiary (ARB) farmer cooperators of the two (2) assisted ARBOs. PARBUF had seventeen (17) participants on June 13, while COBARBMECO had twenty (20) the following day. The objectives of the activity  were: 1) to prepare the ARB farmer cooperators enrolled in SBF for an advance planning on their own farm land in planting the sugarcane crop ; and: 2) to provide ample time in accessing and or acquiring additional capital for the establishment of their individual sugarcane farm.  Sugarcane planting material or “lacsas” of high yielding varieties will be provided from the established nurseries of the project during cutback time scheduled by November and December of this year.

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May 2017 Report

Sugarcane Block Farming

Updates on the Sugarcane Block Farming Project Implementation i n Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region

Negros Island Region (NIR) 

The month of May signals the end of the second quarter for the SBF implementation in the Negros Island Region (NIR). As such,an assessment of the quarter’s activity was conducted on June 2 in Bacolod City. It was attended by representatives from DAR, the ARBOs, other service providers, and ISEDI.

During the assessment, ISEDI reported its accomplishments for the second quarter in terms of trainings, irrigation services provided, techno demo farms and nursery farms established. For the trainings, the ARBOs of Lot 1, 11 and 12 have all been trained in Soil Sampling (Module 1), Land Preparation (Module 2), Planting and Planting Materials (Module 3), and High Yielding Varieties (Module 4).


April 2017 Report

Sugarcane Block Farming

Updates for Region XI, XII and the Negros Island Region

Report to the President - April 2017_001ISEDI’s Sugarcane Block Farming Project in Region XI to date has a total of 7.2 hectares with 4 hectares from PARBUF MPC and 3.2 hectares from COBARBEMCO. The areas are intended for the establishment of nurseries and demo farms to be planted with high yielding varieties of cane points.  ISEDI, together with COBARBEMCO, are currently in the process of scouting for the remaining .8 hectare to complete the 8 hectares’ requirement for the implementation of SBF Project in the area.

Soil Analysis of the farm in Davao del Sur was already conducted and the results were the basis for the purchase of farm inputs required. Land preparation for the farm  intended for sugarcane crops was done simultaneously with the soil analysis. All 7.2 hectares of land will undergo land preparation. Currently, 4 hectares have already undergone land preparation and have been planted with high yielding varieties – Phil 99-1793, PSR 2k-11, and PHIL 2k-171.

The area is also in the process of being geotagged to guide DAR and other stakeholders during their monitoring activities in locating the established HYV nurseries and demo farms areas using Google Earth.


June 2016

ISEDI takes on active role in capacitating ARBOs in Davao del Norte and Davao Oriental on CCA-DRR

june2016ISEDI was tapped by DARPO Davao del Norte and Davao Oriental to facilitate in the provision of  CCA-DRR capability building activities to its assisted ARBOs in Davao del Norte and Davao Oriental. ISEDI is expected to deliver the following to DAR and ARBOs: Climate Proofing Strategy Guide, Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation Practices Guide, Top-Down and Bottom-Up Methods and Approaches.  ISEDI is partnering with CCA-DRR experts to beef up its in-house resource persons to deliver adult-learning CCA-DRR inputs that include: Basic Climate Change Science, Climate Change Scenarios, Responses to Climate Change-Mitigation Adaptation, Understanding the impacts, vulnerability and linkage between Climate Change and Disaster, Impacts of Climate Change, Linkage between CCA and DRR, Methods and Tools: Impact, Vulnerability and Adaptation, and Designing a community based adaptation project.

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January to May 2016 Reports

May 2016

Balik Uma Updates

may2016The month of May brought forth more activities for ISEDI and BALSA, as both organizations endeavored to improve the lives of the farmers covered by the Balik Uma project. ISEDI and BALSA staff met in Haran to identify several types of farm tools to be purchased based on the farmers’ needs. These farm tools included scythes, digging bars, pickaxes, sprayers, and shovels. During the same meeting, it was also decided that the Food for work will also be provided to the farmers while they are working in their farms. A total of 175 scythes, twenty five (25) digging bars, thirty (30) shovels, fifty (50) pickaxes, and ten (10) sprayers, along with fifty sacks of rice were purchased.

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April 2016

ISEDI in Thailand

apr2016The staff of ISEDI went on a six-day Learning Expedition trip to Thailand on April 7 to 13, 2016. During the trip, the staff were inspired by the Thai government’s support for their Micro Small Medium Enterprises (MSMEs). The Thai government plays a major role in the development of their MSMEs by assisting them in the acquisition of Food Safety and Quality Standards, providing them with a link to International Partners, and setting up of Credit Banks. This level of support comes as no surprise, as MSMEs play a significant role in Thailand’s economy.

MSMEs enjoy the Thai government’s assistance in developing the quality of the community’s products through the “One Tambon, One Product (OTOP)” program and..

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March 2016


jan2016ISEDI, in its capacity as the PPM Service provider for DAR ARCCESS Batch 3, has monitored the series of activities conducted by DOSE. As the Agri-Extension service provider, DOSE carried out Training Needs Assessment (TNA) and Direction Setting for the ARBOs in Compostela Valley, Davao del Norte, Davao City and Davao del Sur from March 1 to March 15, 2016. The activities were designed to determine which interventions were needed and at the same time, inform the ARBOs about DOSE’s intentions as the AES. The activities were participated by officers and potential farmer technicians of each ARBO.

DOSE’s activities continued on March 28-29 with the conduct of the Training on Cacao Technology on Production Management. Twenty five (25) Farmer Technicians (FT’s) attended the training as well as some of the PHMPC BOD located in Purok 5, Sitio Baracayo, Brgy. Daliaon Plantation, Toril District, Davao City.  The two (2) day activity’s main focus was on top grafting technology in raising cacao.

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February 2016

feb2016UP-Valuing and Village Level Processing Center Enhancement Project (VLCEP) – Department of Agrarian Reform (Province of Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur,  Davao Oriental and Davao City)

The Department of Agrarian Reform (DAR)’s Up-Valuing Support Project is helping selected Agrarian Reform Beneficiary Organizations (ARBOs) improve their market performance through product development and market development.  The Institute for Socio-Economic Development Initiatives (ISEDI) of the Ateneo de Davao University (ISEDI-AdDU) was commissioned by DARRO XI in October 2015 to assist at least 1 ARBO per province  in the conduct of the simplified market study, a series of capacity building activities, composed of technical advice, mentoring, and formal training and FDA Accreditation.  The ARBOs included in this project (Up-Valuing Support  or UVS) are:  AMS Employees Fresh Fruits Producers Cooperative (AMSEFPCO);  Agraryong  Reporma Samahang Kababaihan (ARSK);  DAVECO Agrarian Reform Beneficiaries Cooperative The ARBOs come from Davao City, Davao del Norte, Davao Oriental and Davao del Sur areas in the Davao Region.  Two of the ARBOs are producing banana flour, and the rest are producing durian yema and pastillas, squash pancit canton, pineapple and coco vinegar, banana chips and coco-corn co fee. As of press time, ISEDI is focusing its efforts on completing the task that have yet to be implemented for the two (2) assisted ARBOs in Davao del Sur.

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January 2016

Batch 3 of DARRO XI’s ARCCESS Kicks Off

jan2016On January 8, 2016, ISEDI officially began its activities as the Progress and Process Monitoring (PPM) service provider of the DAR – ARCCESS Project for Batch 3 (Lot 11- PPM-A and Lot 11 PPM-B). This batch covers four (4) provinces in Region XI; Davao City, Davao del Norte, Davao del Sur and Compostela Valley.

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March 2015 Report

123Mindanao Productivity for Agriculture Commerce and Trade Baseline Study Presentation

ISEDI team submitted the MinPACT Baseline Study report after the survey was completed in February 2015. On March 18, 2015, Ms. Deanna Bandayanon, economist and  study Team Leader presented the result of the Baseline Survey to the representatives of ACDI/VOCA,a US-based non-governmental organization, and  to the representatives of United States Department of Agriculture.

The MinPACT project collaboration between ISEDI and ACDI/VOCA was concluded with the presentation of the highlights of the study to the Mindanao Stakeholders.

1234Geographic Information System (GIS) Training

The Tropical Institute for Climate Studies (TropICS) of Ateneo de Davao University organized a training on Basic Geographical Information System (GIS) on March 9 to 14, 2015 at Ateneo de Davao University Conference Room. For the said training, three ISEDI staff – Krizza Mahinay, Dale Canezal and Carl Mariano – participated the activity along with other participants from other organizations such as Kapwa Foundation, Philippine Eagle Foundation, DOLE Philippines, and Foundation for the Philippine Environment.

Department of Agrarian Reform: ARCCESS BDS Project

12345Region 9   For the final month of ARCCESS BDS project implementation in Region 9, the ISEDI local staff presented during the General Assembly…

Region 10 ISEDI staff conducted a Business Plan review to the Cabanglasan Networking Community Association Board of Directors and representatives of the ten memberARBOs
last March 11, 2015….

Region 12  ARBOs under the BDS Project in Region 12 were assisted by ISEDI staff in establishing market linkages. ISEDI team also facilitated the expansion of the ARBOs enterprises….


October 2014 Report

DAR ARCCESS: Business Development Services


UntitleddarRegion 9
Already in its seventh month of project implementation, ISEDI field staffs are currently doing updating and coordination meetings with DAR Region 9 ARCCESS point persons to discuss the progress of the coaching and mentoring sessions and possible market linkage conceived by the ARBOs. Likewise, schedule of activities for the following months was presented to DAR IX and to the ARBOs’ members. Before the last week of the month, the ISEDI project coordinator visited the areas to tackle BDS issues and concerns and possible resolution to the problems.

Region 10
The DAR BDS project in Cabanglasan, Bukidnon has commenced right after the contract signing cum courtesy call in DAR Bukidnon Provincial Office.

Region 12
Several coaching and mentoring sessions for the ARBOs in the region have already been administered. The data collected at this stage will be compiled for the interim report to be submitted next month.

Since the Inception Report for the BDS project in Lanao del Sur and Maguindanao was already approved by DAR ARMM, the ISEDI is now preparing for the Direction Setting activity that is going to be conducted next month. In the direction setting, the ISEDI team will be presenting the planned calendar of activities which will be agreed upon by the ARBOs involved. Moreover, the roles of the people involved will be clarified in the said activity.

DAR ARCCESS: Progress and Process Monitoring


Untitleddar1Region 7
ISEDI – ADDU was recently given the notice to proceed by DAR 7. With the go signal given, the team proceeded in doing a strategic meeting wherein the methods on how to carry out the progress and process monitoring were tackled with Sir Jun Bojos who is the field team leader for this project. Possible issues and concerns and how to handle them were also discussed. After the meeting, the ISEDI PPM people who are in-charge of the project will be visiting the areas (Siquijor and Negros Oriental) to survey /assess the situation. Their preliminary findings will be included in the inception report.

Region 11
DAR Region XI point persons, together with the Agri-Technology Extension and Progress and Process Monitoring service providers – BABAS and DOSE respectively – ended PPM batch 1 with a Wrap Up activity last October 2 and 3. The highlight of the event was the presentation of the accomplishments of the service providers. After, the DAR ARCCESS heads gave their positive remarks regarding the overall implementation of the project.


August 2014 Report

DAR ARCCESS PROJECTS: Business Development Service and Progress and Process Monitoring

UntitledrrrrrThe Department Agrarian Reform has created a program which seeks to improve the conditions of farmers and their families. Under this program, different service providers, will administer Business Development Service (BDS) wherein trainings, mentoring and coaching on Organization Management, Financial Management, Marketing Management and Production and Technical are conducted, and Agricultural Technology and Extension Service (AES) wherein new agri-technological knowledge

Balik-Uma: Sustainable Agriculture and Rainforestation Project Phase 2

Beneficiaries of the project are continuously being taught with farm management and development. For instance, coaching and mentoring activities were undertaken wherein farmers learned about organic foliar fertilizer, mushroom growing, and corn breeding. Hands-on application specifically on the spraying of organic foliar fertilizer to crops was done.
Aside from the trainings, greenhouses were already built in 3 areas. For the other two areas, greenhouse construction is still underway. These greenhouses will house seedlings for germination and breeding and after they will be planted in the community farms.

As manifested by several successful activities conducted, the Balik Uma project is progressing satisfactorily.